Kunming Black Dragon Pool, China

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Black Dragon Pool

The Black Dragon Pool is located about 15 kilometers to Kunming City, near the Dragon Fountain Mountain. The pool got its name from the color of the pool, it is deep and black year round.

The scenic area of the Black Dragon Pool is the entire Black Dragon Park. The Black Dragon Park comes into two parts --- the Shangguan ("upper area") and the Xiaguan ("lower area"). Before entering the Xiaguan, you will see a pool and is not very big; the pool is about thirty to forty feet deep, is the Black Dragon Pool. Near the pool, there are traces of artworks from the late year of Ming Dynasty (1386 ~ 1644A.D.).

Entering the Xiaguan and passing the stone bridge, you will see green pine trees and hear the sound of cicadas, birds, and spring gurgling as if you entered a dreamland. Climbing along the stone steps, you will arrive at "the Dragon Fountain Guan" ("Shangguan"). Front entrance there hung a tablet "The Black Water Temple". There are four layers of the Dragon Fountain Guan.

The first layer is the Founder Hall, housed a sitting statue of the Yuchanshi. There is an age-old cooking vessel made out of copper in front of the courtyard and weighed over 2,500 Jin (over 2700 lbs.). Two high ancient cypresses are standing near the vessel. Legends say those trees were planted in Song Dynasty (960 ~ 1279A.D.). Together with the plum trees in Xiaguan called "The peerless plants of the Black Dragon Pool".

Stepping in you will enter the front hall of Shangguan. In front of your eyes is an ancient camellia. Further down, you will enter "the San Qing Hall". There is an old plum tree, people believed it was planted by the monk Daoan of Tang Dynasty.

The main trunk die over 50 years ago, but the branches are still producing flowers each year, and the visitors are falling over each other to appreciate it. There is a stone carved with plum blossom on the wall of the Yuzhao Hall and it is the posthumous works of the monk Daoan. Nowadays this old plum tree is full of zigzag branches and there are old branches and new branches, showing fragrance and grace.

The Black Dragon Pool is different from other places of interests. Its Taoism construction from the Central Plains, the deeds and mythology stories spread from previous dynasties make this scenic spot full of legendary color. If you select Kunming as your travel destination, the Black Dragon Pool is worth going.