Yunnan Lijiang Ancient Wall Painting, China

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Lijiang Ancient Wall Painting

Lijiang Ancient Wall Painting is also called "Basha Wall Painting" or "Monastery Wall Painting in Ming and Ch'ing Dynasty".

It is a special culture art absorbing national culture of other nationalities and forming. These wall paintings distribute in tens of temples of minority villages in Lijiang County, Yunnan Province such as Baisha, Dayan Town, Shuhe, Zhonghai, Yangxi, and Xuesong.

The Baisha Town, Yunnan is the place where the most people of Naxi nationality live. The wall painting of the Big Baoji Palace in Town of Baisha was consider the center of the Lijiang Ancient Wall Painting and it was well preserved.

There are statues of Taoism and Buddhism, Mizong statues of Lamaism, and the languages of Han and Tibetan on the walls of the palace. There is a large painting, painted with 118 statues, Gautama in the center, Taoism statues on the sides, and 3 warriors on the lower side and the 4 Heaven Kings.

These are the painters' joint efforts from Han and Tibet. The paintings are fine, the lines are proportionate, and the colors are bright. They covered with the style of Tibet culture.

In late year of Ming Dynasty and in Ch'ing Dynasty, when people repaired the Dading Pavilion in Baisha, they found that each ancient wall painting melts Chanzong, Mizong and Taoism and Buddhism. The figures' proportion, composition, color and change are different from the Big Baoji Palace. The painters are mostly Naxi nationality. However, the making level cannot reach the former wall paintings.

The preciousness of the Lijiang Ancient Wall Painting is from the artists of Han, Tibet, and Naxi nationalities. Combining the realizations into creations broke through the limitation of religion theme and reflected the social life of Naxi nationality.

At that time such as dancing, hunting, making wood handicrafts, weaving, fishing, forging iron and cutting firewood and the portraits of the government officials, criminals, executioners and visitors. There are very vivid and lifelike paintings such as horse, peacock, the wings and blooming lotus, peony, camellia and plum.

Speaking Lijiang, Yunnan, people will think about jadeite and gemstone or the scenery of green mountains and emerald water and beautiful Naxi girls. In fact, there is still an important treasure. It is the Ancient Wall Painting! They melt the belief of minority and the culture of Confucian and Taoism and show the characteristic of the monastery wall paintings in Lijiang district.